In an article by the Wall Street Journal: Rap, Parlayed Into Books they informed us that the good folks at Cash Money Records will be investing in a new industry. Publishing! This is not surprising by any means, I personally think the music industry and publishing industry go hand in hand and unfortunately both are declining. However it could be a great venture for these guys if done correctly. Meaning they are extremely specific of who they have write books, topics and promotion. One person that I think this has the possibility to really bring their new venture to another lever on the CM/YM team is Nicki Minaj. Since her fan base is mostly teenage girls and or grown ass women, if she came out with a book it will most definitely sell.
“According to a Gallup Poll, we're talking a $24 billion dollar industry. Women read more than men and women buy more books than men. These conclusions support the theory that the concerns of women's lives are very important in today's
On a random note, I'm trying to imagine what it looks like if Lil Wayne is telling people to "Go get that new book that just dropped" hummmm
ahhh dont say the pub world is declining! it makes me nervous! but yeah there's a right way to do this definitely and a wrong way. sounds like an interesting merge, though.