Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Cash Money: Hustlin' Music to Hustlin' Books

In an article by the Wall Street Journal: Rap, Parlayed Into Books they informed us that the good folks at Cash Money Records will be investing in a new industry. Publishing! This is not surprising by any means,  I personally think the music industry and publishing industry go hand in hand and unfortunately both are declining. However it could be a great venture for these guys if done correctly. Meaning they are extremely specific of who they have write books, topics and promotion. One person that I think this has the possibility to really bring their new venture to another lever on the CM/YM team is Nicki Minaj. Since her fan base is mostly teenage girls and or grown ass women, if she came out with a book it will most definitely sell. 
On a random note, I'm trying to imagine what it looks like if Lil Wayne is telling people to "Go get that new book that just dropped" hummmm

1 comment:

  1. ahhh dont say the pub world is declining! it makes me nervous! but yeah there's a right way to do this definitely and a wrong way. sounds like an interesting merge, though.
